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ABA Publications
ABA is considered the gold-standard treatment for autism. Studies consistently show that quality ABA can significantly increase IQ and outperforms other interventions with regard to this metric. Below you will find publications that highlight ABA as a effective intervention for the treatment of autism.
Behavioral treatment and normal educational and intellectual functioning in young autistic children
Lovaas, 1987
RESULT: 47% of children receiving ABA services for 40 hours a week for 2 years achieved normal-range intellectual and educational functioning.​​
ABA ​treatment group average follow-up IQ scores were an average of 29 points higher than either control group.
Experimental Group — 83.2​
Control Group 1 — 52.2
Control Group 2 — 57.5
A Comparison of Intensive Behavior Analytic and Eclectic Treatments for Young Children with Autism
Howard et al., 2005
RESULT: ABA treatment for 25-40 hours a week was significantly more effective at increasing IQ than either control group. Average change in IQ for children in the ABA group was 31 points, whereas the average change in IQ for the control groups was roughly 9 points.
Experimental ABA Group​​
Start — 58.54​
End — 89.88​
Control Group 1
Start — 53.69
End — 62.13
Control Group 2
Start — 59.88
End — 68.81
Intensive Behavioral Treatment for Children with Autism: Four-Year Outcome and Predictors
Sallows et al., 2005
RESULT: A comparison of a clinic-directed ABA program consisting of 37 hours per week of ABA for 35 months versus a parent-directed ABA program consisting of 31 hours per week of ABA for 37 months showed that the parent-directed ABA program was more effective than the clinic-directed ABA program. In other words, parents who are trained in ABA and who implement the intensive therapy had better outcomes than training RBT's to conduct the therapy.
Clinic-Directed Group
Start — 50.85
End — 73.08
Parent-Directed Group​​​
Start — 52.10
End — 79.60
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